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Wednesday 17th March 2004

St Patrick's Day

and drinks at

The Porterhouse Brewing Company Pub - Barnes

(1) "...and then tonight it's off to the pub for a pint of guiness
- it is St Patricks day after all!"
(2) "Last night we had drinks at a really cool Irish pub near where I live
I took a heap of photos so they will be coming too"

Lots of photos below!!!

NOTE - there are 15 thumbnail images and pictures on this page
and it may take a few extra seconds to download completely

(simply click on the thumbnail image to see the photo)

Kim Glen--- Lesley Karen-- Johnathan Adrian

Tim Adrian John--- Frances Karen--- Johnathan

Tanya Adrian (two photos)--- Frances Tanya--- Ella Lesley

Lesley Tanya Kim (two photos)--- "A guy in a kilt" Tanya

Johnathan Lesley--- Ella Frances--- Johnathan and "a pretty girl"!!!