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Out with her
Friends - Albumn #01
and click here to go to Albumn #02
and click
here to go to Albumn
NOTE - there are 43 thumbnails on this
and it might take a few extra seconds to download completely
(simply click on the thumbnail image to see the
photo or the links to go to the albumns)
The Brixton Academy
- Thursday 11th December 2003
Tanya Nathan Danno
The Rugby Union World Cup Trophy
- Saturday 13th December 2003
Duncan Tanya - and The Cup!!!
At a pub in Parson's Green
- Saturday 13th December 2003
Jason Brian Karen---
Elle Rich---
Jason Tanya
Elle Jason Rich---
Nathan Jason---
Tanya Karen
A party in Room 25 at the Nevern
Hotel - Saturday 13th December 2003
Damo Jason Michelle---
Mariah Byron Damo
Jason Nathan---
Damo Glenn
Playing pool at "The Richmond"
Enda Tanya---
Marius Paulo Daniel---
Paulo Tanya Marius
At the "Prince of Tek"
pub (and click here
to see photos of the pub)
Tanya Mick---
Tanya Mick---
Mick Edna
Enda Daniel Marius (two photos)
Christmas 2003
Dozens of photos of Tanya and her
friends - click here to go to the albumn
At the "Kings Head"
pub - Saturday 27th December 2003 (and click
here to see photos of the pub)
Nikki Sally Alana Keko Kim Tanya
In the TV room at the Nevern
Hotel - Saturday 27th December 2003
Mariah Jean Tanya
New Year's Eve and New Year's
Day - 2003/4
Again dozens of photos of Tanya and her
friends - click here to go to the albumn
A day tour to Bath - Sunday
4th January 2004
Lots of photos of Tanya and a
few friends looking around this city - click
here to go to the albumn
Dinner at "Wagamama's"
- Tuesday 6th January 2004
#01 - "Then I went and
had lunch with Ben and Pete
and then Ben and I went to High Street Kensington so he could
book his going away dinner
He is going home on Thursday and is spending a month in Thailand
on the way"
#02 - "I went to dinner on Tuesday night for Ben's going
away back to Australia via a month in Thailand"
Ben Samara Pete Natalie Anthony Tanya Nathan---
Pete Nat---
Samantha Tanya Samara
Karen Nathan Anthony Ben Samantha Leslie Tanya Kim Glen
Morag Ella Sandy Samara, Nat Pete Brett
A day tour to Stonehenge -
Saturday 10th January 2004
Photos of Tanya and Cath during this 'historical' tour - click here
to go to the albumn
At the "Elusive Camel"
in Victoria - Sunday 11th January 2004
Jaci Tanya
Went to a Justin Timberlake
concert - Sunday 11th January 2004
Michelle Tanya
Australia Day 2004 - Monday
26th January 2004
Dozens of photos of Tanya and her
'expatriate' friends out celebrating - click
here to go to the albumn
It's snowing in London!!! -
Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th January 2004
Photos of Tanya and her workmates having fun in the snow - click here
to go to the albumn
A visit to the Greenwich area
- Saturday 7th February 2004
Photos of Tanya, Karen and Amanda - click
here to go to the albumn
In Paris!!! - Friday 13th to
Sunday 15th February 2004
127 photos of Tanya, Karen
and Amanda having a great time in Paris - click
here to go to the albumn
At the Nevern Hotel - February
Heath and Adrian
Her last night at the Nevern!!!
- Saturday 28th February 2004
Ella Tanya---
Tanya Heath
Tanya Liana---and here they are again
Ella Karen Laura Tanya Liana
Celebrating Alana's birthday
- Wednesday 3rd March 2004
Tanya Amanda Flanders (two
Alana Amanda
Tanya Amanda --and-- Amanda Tanya

"School Disco"- Saturday
13th March 2004
and some of her friends going back to school!!! - click here
to go to the albumn
Celebrating St Patricks
Day - Wednesday 17th March 2004
and her friends at the Irish Porterhouse pub - click
here to go to the albumn
Out to dinner - Thursday 18th
March 2004
and her work-mates from Capsticks Solicitors - click
here to go to the albumn
A trip to Wales - Saturday
20th March 2004
and Johnathan looking around Caerphilly Castle - click here
to go to the albumn
Met up with Barry Koch
- Tuesday 23rd March 2004
Barry Tanya
The Socceroos!!! - Tuesday
30th March 2004
Lots of photos of Tanya and her
friends supporting the Aussies!!! - click
here to go to the albumn