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Cairo - Museum of Egyptian Antiquities

"Marc had organised a tour for us at the Museum which was fantastic
because we didn’t think we would be able to get there and I am so glad we did
There was a lot of people there but it didn’t matter
- we were all pretty tired but we did try to take in what our guide was saying"

The Mummy of Ramses II

"Anyway after that a few of us paid the extra money to go in to the Mummies Room
- I am so glad I did
They have nine Mummies in various stages of unwrap and it was so cool
Some of them looked like they died a painful death with gnarled hands and feet
and very pained expressions on their faces but my fave Mummy was Ramses II
He was the one who built Abu Simbel
You could see his hair and teeth and fingernails and toenails
He was over 3200 years old
After seeing all the stuff that he did and then to actually seem him was great"

(three photos)