(Return to "Tanya
- Albumn #06")
(Return to "Out
with her Friends #02" albumn)
(Return to "Nine
days in Egypt" albumn)
(Return to
"Egypt - Day Four - Tuesday 9th November" albumn)
(Return to "Dear
Diary #07")---(Return
to "Dear Diary #17")---(Return to "Dear Diary
Tuesday 9th November
......and there
are 19 photos and lots of other information below
Hey, look how you
have grown into a lovely young lady!!!

Very proud of you
and love you heaps and heaps
......and I hope that this 'birthday dream' comes true for you......

......and it should
--- 'cause you are in Egypt right now!!!
Have a terrific day pretending to be Cleopatra

Happy Birthday dearest
I wanted to send a special card but I am not as smart as Dad
and I had to restart the computer cause the e-card sites wouldn't
So I decided to write you one of my famous poems
and send you a favourite picture!!
Remember ..... No-one loves you like your Mum!!

Well, you have got
back from Egypt - safe and sound
--- but you are just getting over a case of "Egyptian Belly"!!!
We guess you are now starting to organise photos to send over
to us,
along with lots of other "bits-and-pieces-and-souvenirs"
of your trip
(and we are looking forward to seeing it all)
We would like to help out,
so there has been a deposit of $50.00 made into your Bendigo
Bank account
Now, you also probably need to relax - could be a nice dinner
out with friends,
--- or maybe somewhere completely different!!!
What about this place?

and if you click on the logo you will go to their official site
So our Birthday Present for you???
Another deposit of $250.00 has also been made into your account
Dinner out with friends, a visit to the above???
Hey, they are only suggestions
You can spend the $300.00 anyway you like --- so long as you have
a good time!!!
Lots and lots of love from
Dad and Mum
Postcard from
Tanya - and it shows what she
was doing on the 9th!!!
Note from
Tanya on Monday 22nd November 2004
Thank you very much for the birthday present
I am starting to get everything together
and I was going to start writing my story at lunch time today
but our IT guy gave me a cord that connects the computer to my
so even though I haven't got the CD's done yet I can still get
my pics on the PC
Will do it tomorrow instead
Anyway - not sure about Madamme Tussards - that might have to
when a friend gets here and we can be touristy
It looks like fun but I will need someone with me to take dodgy
photos of me and wax celebs!!
Tammie Thornton will be here in January so I might use her
As for spending the cashola
I have been eyeing off a very expensive hair clip in Harrods so
that is an option
I aslo really want to see the "Lion King" or "Phantom
of the Opera" at the theatre
so I might put it towards the good seats instead of being up the
so that might be an option too - I will have a think about it
and will probably do both!
Thanx very much again and I hope to send the parcel
(including Chrissy presents - Mum has some framing to do!)
this weekend or early next week but I will let you know
......and on Monday
6th December 2004
Sunday I went and
purchased my birthday present.
"Thank You"
for buying me ---
such a fabulous backpack,
chain lock for it,
stainless steel knife fork and spoon travel set,
a miner's head lamp
so I can use both hands instead of my torch when going though
stuff on holidays,
a portable CD player holder
(getting the CD player in the sales after Christmasmas)
and I think that is about it!!
Note from
Tanya on Friday 5th November 2004
I will be
in Egypt for my birthday so I went out for drinks last night with
about fifteen friends
It was really good fun and I had a lovely time
I got some nice birthday cards and of course didn't spend a cent
all night!
Claire Karen Elle Tanya---
Lee Tanya---
Aaron Tanya Nathan
Tanya Leslie Ella Laura-
Tanya Amanda-
Paula Tanya
Claire Tanya (three photos, including some "camera
Karen Tanya---
Tanya Aaron
Wishes" from her friends......
From Duncan Franklin
Hi Tanya
Happy Birthday!!
I hope things are going well with you
I seem to remember that today is your birthday
I hope you're having a good one and I hope we can meet up some
time soon
All the best
From Claire Watkins
and Larna
Dearest Tanya
Wishing you the happiest 29th birthday ever (well, the only 29th
b'day ... anyways)
I hope you are having an AMAZING time in Egypt and have been thinking
of you loads
Sooooooooooooooooo GREAT to see you out the other night
- shame I couldn't stay longer, but had a wicked time catching
up with you as it was!
May ALL your dreams and wishes come true babe,
and that you receive everything you want, as you deserve it all!
Take care, keep in touch (make us jealous) and look forward to
seeing you when you get back
And to come check out our wicked pad
Lotsa love always
And Happy Birthday wishes to you from Larna x
From Jodie
(Surprise - you've just received
a Yahoo! Greeting from "Jodie"
- I was unable to save the card as it was in Macromedia Flash
To Tanya
Hope your having lots of fun whilst o/s
Be sure to celeberate your birthday in style
Take care
From Lesley Richards
Hello Tanya
Happy Birthday from your boring cousins and Aunt & Uncle who
have no life
and really get excited about the dirt we pick up in our new See
Through vacuum cleaner
I loved one of your letters that your Mum sent on to me so much
that I sent it to a friend of mine who has travelled - it brought
back memories
"Let's all go down the Strand" (I used to sing 'under
my breath') as I walked down the Strand
I used to work in Aldwych House opposite Australia House
Is it still there? - it should be - it had a curved front
We have just had a small family holiday at Pt Rickaby - it rained
for two days
and was terrific on the day we all had to come home!!
Need to go
Hope you get this in time for your Birthday
Aunty Lesley
......and some
of the cards she received
(simply click on the thumbnail
image to see and read the card)