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Capsticks Solicitors
Her new job - started
on Tuesday 6th January 2004
......and click here to see the "CONGRATULATIONS"
we sent to Tanya
Tuesday 6th January
Tuesday I started
I didn't have to start until 9.30am because it was my first
so when I caught the train I was the only one in the carriage
I decided that I loved this job already and I hadn't even started
Such a change from sixteen stops, three trains and being stuck
in peak hour armpits!
I am working for two people - Serena Davis and Rebecca Hunt (trainee)
They both seem really nice
but I have a feeling that Serena will be quite demanding because
she is very busy!
Anyway I am on the 5th floor of the building
I did my IT training with a Kiwi boy and including me there are
four Aussies on my floor
and there are seven floors so I expect there are a few more around.
We have a tea lady that comes arund with her trolley
and makes us tea/coffee twice a day
and at about 11.30am a boy comes around with sandwhiches
and wraps and chocolates to keep us satisfied too
I am really busy but liking it too
The cases are really interesting and Serena is away tomorrow
so I should be able to get organised and sort some stuff out!
Friday 16th January
I have got a
meeting with the Human Resources Department
at 5.00pm today to discuss my contract
Just got offered a contract for 12 months
It will be £XX which is a bit more than I thought it would
How nice it will be to know I have a job for the next year!
My agency called and said that they were very happy with me
YAY again!
Snow is falling!!!
- Thursday 29th January 2004
...and click
here to see the photos
Tanya took from her office window
following a snow fall on Thursday 29th January 2004
Out to dinner
- Thursday 18th March 2004
...and click
here to see photos
taken when Tanya and her work-mates
went out to dinner on Thursday 18th March 2004
Views from the
office window - June 2004
...and click on the thumbnails for the photos Tanya took from
her office window
which are "green" and not "snow white"!!!
- June 2004
(two photos)-------
(three photos)
Summer Boat Party
- Friday 25th June 2004
From - Duncan
Gordon-Smith of Capsticks Solicitors
Dear All
Just a reminder about the
"Summer Boat Party"
which is happening on Friday 25th June
Leaving Putney Pier (at Putney Bridge/Bar M) at 7.00pm
and returning to Putney at about 11.00pm
There is a small charge of £5 each and this covers the trip,
buffet and disco
If you would like to take "a-special-other" then they
are more than welcome
but the charge is £20
Please let me know if you would like to come along
......and a note
from Tanya after the cruise
"The Summer
Boat Party was fabulous!"
and click here to
see Tanya's note and the photos
A walk to work
along the river - Friday 2nd July 2004
...and click
here to see photos
Tanya took when she walked
to work on Friday 2nd July 2004
"Legal 500 2004"
- Wednesday 29th September 2004
From - Peter
of Capsticks Solicitors
The "Legal 500 2004" was published earlier
this week,
and I am delighted to report that CAPSTICKS has once again achieved
very high ratings in this independently-researched directory
The firm was rated as the top Healthcare and Clinical Negligence
practice in London, and the commentary stated that
"CAPSTICKS has enhanced its position as the leading healthcare
is "thoroughly deserving of its reputation as a dedicated
market leader"
and "the firm's top-tier status once again reflects its pre-eminence"
We were also rated as a leading firm in Fraud, Employment and
where the competition is not just from firms in the healthcare
The "Legal 500" also recognised AXI, DPM, KEH and myself
as leading individuals in our respective fields
These ratings reflect very positively on everyone in the firm,
as they are based on interviews with our clients and other lawyers
Well done to you all!
Thanks also to the marketing team for their unstinting efforts
in producing our directory submissions each year
Capsticks 5th
Floor Social - Thursday 21st October 2004
...and click here to see photos of Tanya and her work-mates
taken at the Social
Clin Law Department
Christmas Party
From - Tom and
Vashti of Capsticks Solicitors - Thursday 21st October 2004
Just to let you all know, a date has been fixed for the Clin
Law Department Xmas Party
It will be held at Al Fornos Restaurant on Upper Richmond Road
on Thursday 9th December
The plan is to have a few drinks beforehand at Jim Thompsons which
is nearby
and click here to
see all the Christmas Party details and a photo
Christmas Party
From - Joanne
O'Rourke of Capsticks Solicitors - Thursday 7th October 2004
Just to let you all know that the firm's Christmas Party
will again be held
at Chelsea Football Club
The date for the party is Friday 17th December
This year, we have booked a slightly smaller suite and our own
Please see the attachment for more details
Please could you let Lorraine Hibbert know as soon as possible
if you would like to attend
We hope you can all make it!!
and click here to
see all the Christmas Party details and 16 photos
Changing Jobs!!!
A note from
Tanya on Thursday 20th January 2005
- I got some "leaving presents" today
My boss doesn't work Fridays so they did it today - otherwise
she would have missed out
I got a lovely hairclip and a travel journal
and I also got a rose quartz necklace which is meant to promote
Anyway, just thought it would let you know
......and another
on Friday 21st January 2005
Last day at Capsticks!!!
- but not sad
Just had a nice lunch and I am busy - my boss left me heaps of
Going to do filing and then finish some tapes and then go to the
Click on this

to read the
"Good Luck"
wishes from her work-mates
Tanya is now working
Ingram Winter Green Solicitors
and click
here to go to that