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Farewell Party

(simply click on the thumbnail image to see the photo)

Tanya with her Mum

......and her Brother

......and her Friends

Greg---- Cherie---- Cherie Debbie---- Debbie

Debbie Thirza---- Dan---- Stacey

Sonya Andria---- Natalie Mark---- Terry

Luke Jodie Michelle---- Vaughn---- Sharon Kym

Debbie---- Ritchie Ric---- Karen---- John


Mother of 'The Traveller'

Jaci Luke---- Jodie Kym Michelle Jaci

......and Brett

Checking the music---- Jodie Kym---- 'Bluey'

Dan Greg---- Greg Ric

The Party Guests

'Bluey' Vaughn Natalie Mark Luke---- Dan Greg---- Mark

Debbie Mark Vaughn---- Ric John Ritchie Sharon---- Ric

Kym Vaughn Karen Anna Stacey Scott---- Ritchie

Scott Sonya---- Scott---- Sharon Kym---- Sharon Vaughn

Vaughn Karen---- Vaughn Karen Anna

Luke Michelle Jodie---- Anna Stacey


"Booze - Broads - Boobs - Bums - and Baseball Bats"


and Masa representing 'The Male of the Species'!!!

"The Party Bums"

What are these two up to???