Saturday 10th September
20 x Photos!!!
This page includes 18
thumbnail images
and simply click on the image to see the photo
I was tired and again it was a grey miserable
day but I had a seat to myself on the bus so I could get comfy.
NOTE - details on the Tower are at the bottom of
this page
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Our first stop of the morning was Pisa and
it was cool.
I really enjoyed it.
having fun with the Tower!!!
......and people getting into
position for the "trick photos"---
The Tower was leaning just like it should have
been and we had great fun taking photos of us holding it up and
knocking it down and laughing at others doing the same thing!!
A postcard from Tanya---
thing I never thought I would see that I have!!"
It was a quick stop but yet another thing I
never thought I would see that I have!!