15th October 2015
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Tanya's Return
to Cairns
PAGE #07
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Flight CX103
has landed in Cairns!!!
"The Story
of The Day", a note from Sharon, and 59 photos are below
(Simply click on
the thumbnail images to see the photos)
After almost two
years, Tanya was arriving back from London!!!
She had booked her flights way back on Thursday 3rd February
Nothing was said to Sharon
It was to be a surprise for her!!!
The weeks and months went by
and then emails and phone calls started to fly between Tanya and
Brett and myself
Then it was "The Day"
What a day!!!
Planned down to the last second!!!
Like a military operation!!!
Firstly, Sharon had to be manoeuvred around and be kept away from
the house
without becoming suspicious that anything unusual was going on
around her
She and I have done a few circuits of the Antique Shops on the
Atherton Tablelands
About a week ago I suggested that we go out for the day and do
this trip
When it comes to looking at this type of thing, she doesn't need
much convincing!!!
So we set off - from Cairns we went to Gordonvale and then up
the Gillies Range Highway
to Yungaburra, Atherton, Mareeba and Kuranda visiting Antique
and secondhand stores along the way
Here are a few shots of Sharon at a lookout we stopped to check
(two photos) Sharon at Heales Outlook
(five photos)
Now, these photos
were important to the plan!!!
After taking these, I said to Sharon that I would use the 'review
mode' on the camera
and check them out while we had a cup'o'tea out the back after
we got home
Clever, eh??? - a camera very handy without Sharon becoming suspicious!!!
Brett was then in charge of "Operation Tanya"
Champagne had been bought earlier in the week and this had been
hidden in Brett's room
As soon as we left Brett put this in the fridge to be ready for
a "Welcome Back" drink
Tanya was going to take over the room until she found a permanent
so Brett was moving in with a friend
But he couldn't do anything until we left - otherwise Sharon would
have wanted to know
what he was doing with his clothes and gear!!!
So he packed during the morning
Tanya's flight got in at around 2.00pm, and Brett was there -
with his camera
and here is Tanya arriving in Cairns
(six photos) Tanya coming out of the arrival gate
(one photo) Heading to the airport car park......
......and loading up the car
(three photos)
They then headed
It had been organised to give Tanya enough time to unload her
cases, have a shower,
and get changed before "The Meeting with her Mum"
The plan was for Brett to send a "meaningless text"
to Sharon's mobile
when they were nearly home
We were at Kuranda when I heard her phone ring - and as usual,
Sharon got all mucked-up trying to read the message - but I knew
it was the signal!!!
We were just about to have a coffee (to kill some time until the
but I said "I hate Kuranda and want to go home"
Sharon was disappointed - I think she really wanted a drink!!!
but we headed off with home and "Her Big Surprise" only
about thirty minutes away!!!
The plan comes in again now!!!
Tanya and Brett were to be in his room, with the door closed
I would say to Sharon that we'll have a cup'o'tea out the back
and I would ask Brett if he wanted one - and naturally he was
going to say yes!!!
So Sharon took the three cups outside, and I sang out to Brett
that it was ready
Sharon actually played a part here, although unknowingly!!!
She always sits in the same spot at the table
- and it just happens to be where she has her back to the door
- perfect!!!
According to plan, Brett waited until he was sure that Sharon
was sitting in her usual spot
and then he came out
Tanya was right behind him - almost touching!!!
and this was so that Sharon would not hear her walking on the
gravel which can be noisy
- see, I said it was all like a military operation!!!
He continued walking around the table - and Tanya stopped right
behind her Mummy!!!
Everything worked out perfectly!!!
She was in position - and Sharon had no idea who was standing
behind her!!!
Anyway, I mentioned the photos that we had taken during the day
and Brett said he wanted to have a look - again all this was organised!!!
He mucked around with the camera, pretending that he was taking
a few shots of Sharon
We talked about the day and I eventually said "You had better
turn around now"
She did!!!
And you can see the shots below - perfect!!!
Now, I was finding
it pretty hard going as well!!!
Remember, I also hadn't seen her for two years
I have uploaded thousands of photos to her web site, but it's
not the same
I couldn't risk looking directly at her in case Sharon noticed
and looked around to see what I was looking at
It was really nice to give her a hug and say welcome home!!!
It is great to have her back safe and healthy - even though she
travels with a heap of junk!!!
Tanya brought back
(nine photos) ......for Dad and
(eleven photos) ......for Mum
......and for Brett,
but he was on "camera duty" so there is no photos of
His presents included a Genuine Swiss Army Knife and a beer stein
from Oktoberfest in Munich
(one photo) Still a few tears ... but very happy!!! (four photos)
......and here is
Tanya (three photos)
A note from Sharon
It is a wonder
I didn't have a heart attack!
Tanya arrived home yesterday and I could not believe it!
My family are all very accomplished liars
- they have all known since February when she was coming home!
Geoff and I went out for the day to the Tablelands, doing the
rounds of the antique shops
When we arrived home I made a cup of tea (as usual)
and Geoff called out that Brett wanted one
I took them all out the back (as usual), sat in my usual chair
and we were having a chat about our day
Brett was mucking about with the camera which we had taken with
us, telling me to smile
and clicking away!
Geoff was asking what I would say to Tanya if I saw her
- I said some dopey things and Geoff told me to turn around
I did (not even knowing or guessing why!) and there she was!!
Lots of tears and hugging and questions all happening at once
I was totally confused!
I thought she was staying in London for another six months!
I didn't know why she was home when I knew she wanted to still
be in London
- I thought something was wrong!!
As I discovered it was all part of a big cover up!
The day was planned down to the last moment
and as each little point was brought up I slowly understood
I wondered why Geoff kept asking if the phone was on and hadn't
anyone sent me a text!
I couldn't believe he wanted to stop in Kuranda
- the last time we went he said "remind me never to go there
Even driving past our house I had to check out a sign on my left
so I wouldn't look at our house and maybe see Tanya getting something
out of the car
Brett did a good job too
He picked up Tanya from the airport and got her home
Tanya said he followed her everywhere making sure she didn't leave
any evidence for me to see
She said he made her rush her shower and told her she didn't have
time to dry her hair!
When he was clicking away with the camera little did I know Tanya
was standing behind me!
They were all worried they might let the cat out of the bag
What they don't realise is I wouldn't have guessed in a million
years whatever they said!
I am a completely trusting human being
I believe everything they tell me
and even though they all trick me time and time again I still
believe them!
The best word to describe them all is "devious"!!
I will do my best never to be conned again!!!
At least I didn't have the burden of worrying about plane flights
which I always do when the kids are travelling!!
It was a fabulous day and a terrific surprise,
and it makes me smile when I think about them planning all this!!
Two years is a long time and I am truly delighted to see her and
talk with her again
- we have lots of catching up to do!