(Return to "Monopoly Board Pub Crawl" albumn)


Saturday 3rd July 2004

Tanya and her Friends playing "Pub Monopoly"

NOTE - this page contains 28 thumbnail images
the route taken through the "Monopoly Names"
and the names of the fourteen pubs Tanya visited during "The Crawl"!!!

This means there are 'a lot of kilobites' to be downloaded
and it may take a minute or so to fully display

......then, simply click on the thumbnail image to see the photo

Tanya and "Tim the Tourman"
and the "Everybody up - 'cause it's time to move on to the next pub" hooter

Tanya at Whitechapel Station and Liverpool Street Station

The group outside 'The White Hart'---- "Persevering"

Tanya Stacey Paula --- and with their Monopoly Boards

The group outside 'The Elusive Camel'----- Tanya Paula

What is Tanya doing???------- Kylie - "ready for "boat races"

Stacey and Tanya at Angel Station------ Tanya Paula

Tanya at Kings Cross Station and Euston Station

Ainsleigh Paula Tanya (two photos)----- Tanya Carrie Ainsleigh

Carrie Paula------- Tanya Carrie

Tanya Stacey- Tanya Kylie- Ainsleigh Carrie

--Carrie Ainsleigh Tanya----- Tanya Carrie

--Carrie Adam Tanya-----Tanya Darren